PokŽÈon Pinball - Released
PokŽÈon Snap - Released
PokŽÈon Yellow - Oct 25
PokŽÈon Stadium - Mar00'
Gold/Silver - Spring 00'
Genki Dechu - TBA
PokŽÈon Card GB - TBA
New Episodes - Fall 99'
Pkmn:The Movie - Nov12
PokŽÈon Piccross - Dec 99'
Phantom PokŽÈon X - TBA
Fossil Deck - Nov 99'
Team Rocket - Jan 00'
Gym Leader - TBA
Welcome To The PokŽÈon League HQ!
Hi and welcome to the new and improved PokŽÈon League HQ entrance! We are gladly to announce this will be the new main page! A new layout! But sadly, so far, this is the only page with this layout. If you think it would be better to do this to the rest of the pages e-mail me and we'll decide! If I get enough people to say yes, We'll change the whole building's layout format!
Don't forget to sign the guestbook if you haven't done that already and get a free PokŽÈon League HQ e-mail, here!
December 4th - We are finally back! (yay) Currently, we are getting those new episode summaries up (thanks to ytv we got tonnes). And new information about the new guy, Tracy. And the new theme song also (very cool now). Hopefully, all this will be done soon, and trust us, they will. But for now, take a look at what we have and we'll give you the new scoop in Pok¨¦mon info!
What about rocks? Rocks are just the little or big things that sit there by the streets getting kicked around by people, getting stepped on or spat on. So.. what's the big deal about it?
Our Rock expert, Mr. Flint, would like tell you the greatest part about rocks. Rocks come in different forms right? He has the most biggest collection of rocks you'd ever seen and now he's actually willing to SELL them to YOU! He has rocks that are rough or smooth, small as a pebble or big as a boulder. And you get to choose which one you'd like! A rock could come in as low as a few cents! But Mr. Flint decided since he had loads of Rocks, he didn't realize that some of those rocks were actually PokŽÈon!
He's willing to share his discovery by selling you the PokŽÈon he has found in his big pile of rocks! And the four stars include:
The stars of the sale has arrived! Please come and visit Mr. Flint in Pewter City, the famous rock town, where you might get your lucky rock! But only from MR. FLINT! So, don't delay, come now and see/or buy the great rock PokŽÈon and other rocks too...
The banners above are made by The PokŽÈon League HQ for the top site thingys just because their banners are a little big, so these will make it load a bit faster. But please click on one of the above to vote for our site! Thank you!!
PokŽÈon/Pocket Monsters/Pockemon right reserved thingy only to:
N.O.A., N.O.J., GameFreak Inc, Creatures Inc, TV Tokyo, ShoPro, JR Kikaku 95, 97, 98 AND the character names are trademarks of NINTENDO
The PokŽÈon League HQ first opened in December 11, 98' and still lives till now serving more than.... just -alot- of people! =)
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Copyright ?1998-1999 The PokŽÈon League HQ - All rights reserved